Jim’s Current Stuff


Drummers from MTSU:  Click on this awesome CMA performance of Little Big Town and “Day Drinking”:


Acrobat Clown Couple.  The deadpan expression of one of the clowns makes this absolutely incomparable:


Two Dogs Dining in a Busy Restaurant. Great talking dogs video:


Talking dog having problems with owner’s bugging him.           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykF7yYR7qcE






The Penis Song on America’s Got Talent:  You may die laughing over this but dying by laughing is not a bad way to go.



The statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest on his horse should be allowed to remain in sight along I-65. Every time I pass it I am reminded of an article in the Tennessean several years ago in which the writer described the expression on General Forrest's face in a way that will always make me laugh when I see the silly statue. The absurdity of having a statue that is supposed to give some glory to slavery was forever removed from my mind by the article.  The writer described Forrest's expression as appearing that he had just been goosed.

Current Stuff that struck me as funny or odd or important:

Write to me. Click here:  martinj918@mac.com

Jim’s Letter to the Editor, The Tennessean June 25, 2015:

Several of July 8 Letter writers miss the point of the Supreme Court decision about marriage: 

  1. Father Joe Marek said “God and His Son, Jesus Christ, have clearly defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman..”

But, God and Jesus did not define the USA rules of inheritance for gay couples and now the Supreme Court has.

  2. Tom Coplin said: “The Supreme Court has no authority to change or override God’s laws which define marriage as between one man and one woman.”

The Supreme Court did not command religious organizations to now perform marriages of gays.

  3. Caleb R. Bernhardt said:  “In 2006, Tennesseans defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The Judicial Branch is without Constitutional authority to write laws of any nature.”

The Judicial Branch DOES have the authority to override laws that deal unfairly with the rights of any group.

Jim Martin

Jim’s Letter to the Editor, The Tennessean  July 8, 2015

The following T-Mobile ad is still capable of giving me tears of pure joy. By the genius of Shai Fishman.



The McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act which regulates the financing of political campaigns left out any provision which would require the identification of the authors of a political ad. This is unfortunate because we can not fully understand the motivation for a political ad if we do not know who is speaking. If, for example, we see an ad that calls for the legalization of any person carrying weapons into a public gathering and the ad shows law enforcement officers carrying the weapons we would have a different opinion about the message if the buyer of the ad were identified as a terror group.  While this example may sound silly, the lesser versions such as an ad that might show happy consumers while the ad speaks of the necessity of lowering business taxes very much needs to be identified as being bought by the businesses. An ad that shows business executives nodding in agreement over spoken words that are saying that all businesses should be owned by the government would be better understood if the buyer was identified as the Communist Party.

Maybe these are ridiculous examples but the buyer of every political must be identified or free speech becomes simply free lying.

Jim’s Letter to the Editor, The Tennessean  July 24, 2015